Enrollment Opens to the Waitlist in...

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You have a child who is a picky eater.

They are addicted to sugar and carbs. And refuse to eat vegetables.

What he’s willing to eat is becoming even more limited. Things he used to eat he will now refuse.

You know he’s a sweet and smart kid. But his emotional outburst, lack of focus, lack of speech and other symptoms are making you stressed.

You’ve been wanting to change this for a while, but you don’t know where to start.
Join the Waitlist

Enrollment opens 1/26 with limited spots. Get on the waitlist.

 You are afraid your child won’t eat anything and you will face meltdowns.

You know intuitively what they are eating is affecting their behavior, and doing a cleanup of their food will reset their gut health and will help with improving their symptoms. Drastically.

And this will ultimately help his future to have a better quality of life as these symptoms reduce.

But on the other hand, you have fears around doing so, which makes starting so much harder.

I get how you feel, and I am here to help you change it.


Reverse Picky Eating in 60 Days

For 60 days, I'm going to help an intimate group of people change their child’s diet to reverse picky eating and start the healing process for their child.

Healing your child’s gut through food, reducing picky eating, and to treat the root cause of symptoms associated with Autism or ADHD or Moody Behaviors.

What your child eats directly impacts how picky they are and their symptoms.

When their diet changes so will their life.

You will see: less tantrums, less aggression, less hyper, less picky, less anxiety and more calm, more open to new foods, more eye contact, more focus and more speech.

This works regardless of how picky an eater your child is right now. I know exactly what to do and how to reverse this.

Almost all kiddos who are picky prefer carbs and sugar.

We will work towards reversing picky eating to expand their diet, even if they currently only eat 3 things.

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This group is for anyone who wants to fast track the process and do it with an intimate group of parents all on the same path.

The success rate for this group will be 100% for improvements.

In 60 days, you will have a different child who is eating more foods, healing and reducing symptoms.

I will be walking you through, step by step of my 3-step process to reverse picky eating for your child.

These steps were created for the most severe cases of Autistic kids in mind. So they will work for your child with or without a diagnosis.

Imagine in 60 to 90 days, your child will transform before your eyes. Their bodies will begin the priceless process of healing, and you will have changed the trajectory of their future.


 You'll know: 


  • What to eat and what not to

  • How to change your child with ease

  • How to get your child eating healthier foods and thriving long term

Let's make this easy. 

The next live group starts Feb 5th, 2025

Logistically this looks like:

  • 9 calls over 10 weeks
  • Written Q&A in between calls.
  • Group accountability.
  • All the resources you’ll need to be successful.

The investment for the experience is either:

3 monthly payments of $399 (payment plan)


one payment of $1111 (pay in full)

If you need a different payment plan, message me on instagram.

(Note: the pay in full option comes with a free month inside 'The Tribe' membership - an additional 30 days of comprehensive support. The Tribe normally cost $222 a month)

This is the fast track lane for those who are committed and ready to turn this around in 60 days.  So you can enjoy ending this year watching your child change before your eyes.

Limited spots.

Enrollment opens to the Waitlist on January 26th for 5 days.

Get on the waitlist. 

I’ve done this with hundreds of children before, and it’s changed everything.

My clients who’s done this with me in the past have results like:

 🔮 Child who only ate 3 foods (pizza, pb&j, french fries) now eating vegetables and fruits. He also went from non-verbal autistic to speaking

🔮 Picky eater with only ate 5 things how eating everything including cooked and raw veggies

🔮 12 year old girl who was severely picky and required a G-tube. She reversed picking eating in 2 months following the 3-step process and no longer needed G-Tube

🔮 5 year old child who didn’t eat any vegetable since 18 months, eating green beans for the first time


Reverse Picky Eating in 60 Days

Investment for the LIVE 60 day experience to change your child's health permanently.

Join the Waitlist
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Our success rate for
improvements is 100%

 “My picky eater only ate 3 things and was non-verbal. Now he tells me he loves me and eat a variety of new foods” 

"My 4 year old son was diagnosed with level 3 Autism and was completely non-verbal. He didn’t seem to have comprehension so trying to change his extremely limited diet seemed impossible.

He only ate 3 things: pizza, pb&js and french fries. He didn't eat any vegetables or fruits since he regressed into Autism at 18 months.

The process Tina teaches works.

My child started allowing new foods and now will open the fridge to get his own apple for snacks.

6 months later, he tells me he loves me and can verbally tell me what he wants (I want pizza!). He says “I lub you” It makes my heart want to explode.

Today, my son is no longer considered non-verbal. He comes home each day with report from schools of new words he is saying. He now has eye contact and will respond to his name, where as before I was talking through him, because he wouldn't respond."

Boston, Massachusetts

(Mom of 4. Including a beautiful 5 year boy diagnosed with level 3 Autism and used to be non-verbal)

 “My 3 year old Autistic son is no longer non-verbal after 4 months” 

“In less than 6 months since joining. My son went from completely non-speaking to starting to talk. With more and more awareness.

This week my son said 'I want mama' at bedtime and I cried because I’ve waited YEARS for him to say mama. It’s the most beautiful sound.

I have been able to enjoy my life and my family more. I can see my child for who he is and what he needs from me.

He has made progress on every level and is no longer considered non-verbal. The last 6 months have been life changing.”

Sacramento, California

(Mom to 3 Year Old Jacob, who was originally diagnosed with Level 3 Autism, now at Level 2 Autism and recently moved to a blended classroom with Neurotypical peers)

 “I’ve seen WAY more gains than in the previous 3 years combined” 

“Before joining Tina's program, my son with Autism didn’t sleep. He was awake 3-4 hours every night. He was an extremely picky eater. He had very few single words. No sentences. Only repeat what we say. And very limited eye contact. He would get upset and bang his head against the wall - he had to wear a helmet to school everyday.

Within 60 days, my son’s symptoms started improving. He started sleeping all night. He no longer needed to wear a helmet to school for head banging. His language has exploded. He’s talking and putting words together. His eye contact is so much better. He’s so present and engaged.

Tonight on his way to bed he said “love you mom”. He is almost 7 and I wasn’t sure I would ever hear those words from him.

In 10 months, his ATEC score dropped from 87 to 39.

I wish I would have joined sooner because it’s changed everything!

My life is so different now! I feel, for the first time ever, like I am in control of my future. I don’t feel frantic and stressed. I’m not scared for our future anymore.

Honestly, this work has changed our lives. I’ve made some changes before joining, diets and biomed.  But we’ve seen WAY more gains this last year since coaching with Tina than in the previous 3 years combined.”

Grants Pass, Oregon

(Mom of 4 little ones, including a 7 year old boy diagnosed with Autism at age 3.)

 “My daughter’s anxiety has gone down.” 

“I’ve been in this group for just over one month. My daughter’s anxiety has gone down.

It’s just like what Tina says… when our anxiety starts to diminish, so does our child’s. IT’S TRUE.

They legit feel what we are feeling. They WILL pickup on it. Which means they will pickup on our Peace too. I see it with my own eyes.”

Bay City, Texas

(Mom to a 12 year old girl with high functioning autism)

Join Reverse Picking Eating in 60 Days

Join the Waitlist

What Clients Are Saying:




